Monday, March 2, 2009

Please excuse me

If I'm flaky for the next couple of days, please excuse me. Right now I'm trying to do a LOT of soul searching in order to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. I'm so stagnant and unhappy right now I have to get things sorted.

Boyfriend made the comment to me this morning that I'm not happy in any aspect of my life: physically, emotionally, spiritually. He's completely right. I'm not. I'm trying to be positive, I'm trying to remind myself that this is a transition and that it is temporary, but each day becomes increasingly harder. I've honestly never been so completely unhappy in my life than I am right now. I'm frustrated by the lack of job opportunities, I'm disappointed with some of my personal relationships, and I just need a major change.

Sorry to be Debby Downer on Monday, but I'm just preparing you all in case you're wondering, "What the heck is her problem lately?"

1 comment:

Miss M said...

My other half is in a very similar situation right now. His self esteem is shot, he's got a few medical issues (and no insurance) and is lacking in direction. You'll figure it out, don't be too hard on yourself.