Sunday, December 14, 2008

This weekend

Was so much fun! I did a lot and spent money even though I said I would not. Friday night boyfriend came down and we ordered pizza (he paid) and just hung out, I found out that he will be home for 3 days for Christmas so he's going to spend them here with the girls. I'm relieved he gets the days off but sad because I'll be in Dallas while he's here. At least the girls will have some company and not be alone for the time that I am gone.

Saturday night my good friend R and I met up with some of my coworkers and we went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant and then to the University of Arizona (UofA) vs. Arizona State University (ASU) hockey game. It was my first hockey game ever and was a blast! UofA won! It was an intense game the whole time and even the ref got injured when some of the players started fighting. Total money spent on dinner and the game? $20. Not too bad.

Today I decided I should pick up my layaway since this company is cancelling it (layaway) at the beginning of the year. I didn't want to risk not paying my last payment and then they put my Vitamix back on the shelves; they only sold these as a promotion so there was no way to go back and get a new one. I had a bunch of cash saved but still ended up paying $150.99 from my account. Still better than $225! :) I did buy groceries today so that eaten into my $160 spending fund, but I should be set until I leave.

It's time to put a lid on my spending since I'm leaving for Dallas on Saturday. That's $15 for baggage (ugh) plus parking and other who-knows-what-else fees.

My mom also informed me I need to send my Aunt $20 since all of the other grandkids have chipped in money for DisneyWorld tickets for my grandparents. I also have to buy 3 more Christmas presents! All this little stuff adds up quick. No more eating out this week and no more buying groceries since I'll be gone nine days, that WILL help.

Hope you all had a great weekend! Tomorrow is Monday, ugh, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! No more work starting December 20 until January 5 for me since I have a ton of vacation and sick days left. YAY!!!

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